Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Some Pics of Shaun

Im injured but thought I would try get some snaps of him and heres a couple.

Pretty high one foot air for a 4foot quarter.

Shaun One foot boost

Shaun Dipped 360 the box

Shaun Dip 360 box

Shaun Tyre Grab Air.

Shaun Tyre Grab Air

1 comment:

  1. the inside tire grab is pretty good, so much easier to do outside hand tho so he is making the trick harder lolz


My name is Ryan Cranage and I am a Bmx Rider/Photographer and i love anything to do with bmx and I made this blog to post pictures ive taken and edits ive made and just to post anything I see on the net that I like so hopefully you enjoy this blog and have a look around.